[Tutorials] Bypass those lame content lockers

I truly hate content lockers that have you do something in order to be able to access a page just so that those providing the stuff you’re accessing can build up email lists to spam the crap out of them or get more likes/shares on social media sites. A large volume of the content provided

[Tutorial] Secure the vestaCP admin panel better

Someone asked on r/Linuxadmin about setting up Let’s Encrypt certificates on the vestaCP admin panel and because I sought a solution for this before and also increased the security of my vestaCP panel by doing additional tweaks I’ve decided to write this article in order to help out all of you that run vestaCP and

Recommended Links #8

I know it’s been a while since my last recommendations, but here’s a new batch: Learn Redis the hard way (in production); The arrival of AI; VPN’s are a solution to a privacy concern; PHP 7.2 deprecations; Stop using device breakpoints!; 12 useful hacks for Javascript; Malware infection rate is soaring on smartphones; Preload, prefetch