Monthly Archive:: September 2016

Basic security tips for Sentora

It’s pretty common for people to consider Sentora as an insecure control panel just based on the fact that it runs on port 80 while other panels run a separate webserver and thus use a different port. However, running a separate webserver for the control panel only has it’s cost and that cost is taken

DDoS protection or ransom payment?

I followed an ad earlier today which was referencing some sort of DDoS protection as I was curious to see what solutions could one offer that would help prevent major DDoS attacks like the record one that got Brian Krebs kicked of Akamai for taking around 620 Gb/s, especially since some believe that someone is systematically

phpMyVideoBlog & PHP 7

phpMyVideoBlog (MVB) is one of those commercial scripts that are heavily maintained one year and the next their development goes to a complete halt and although you buy the script, your only hope for support is their forum system, where the developer does reply from time to time. According to their release notes, the latest plugin

Some things about Linux

I was asked a while back by someone to share my opinion on Linux and knowing that the person asking me this wasn’t well versed with Linux and didn’t have much of an experience with it I said that Linux isn’t the best choice. At least not always. I did that because personally I have