Monthly Archive:: October 2016

Always read the fine print

It’s funny how all the shit Yahoo! has been keeping under the carpet is coming out now, after Verizon has purchased it. I wonder if, when talking business the folks at Verizon took into consideration that their binding contract might also include a fine print that they didn’t actually understand or that they didn’t bother

[Case Study] Setting up an illegal streaming site #2

Just as I mentioned in the first part of this case study I’ve been documenting the whole process of setting up a nearly bulletproof illegal streaming site and I’m going to provide you with my findings below (for educational purposes only, just as before). So let’s start with the beginning and list out the resources one

Datacenters on Street View

Google Street View may have been intended to document the streets from all over the world, but lately it has moved indoors and started to document famous buildings or locations that aren’t accessible to everyone. While scooping through my feed the other day I came a cross a video that shows one of Google’s datacenter’s