email Archive

VMware support merged to Broadcom Support

Earlier today I received this email to my VMware account, fortunately I switched all my ESXi infrastructure to Proxmox over the past months: Dear Valued VMware Customer,  Broadcom Inc. recently acquired VMware (Press Release) and as a result of the acquisition, all VMware support accounts (ie. VMware Customer Connect) are being migrated to Broadcom’s support

Setup mailcow with Let’s Encrypt

A while back, while searching for a good mail server suite I came across mailcow which was built based on the following open source software: Postfix Dovecot Nginx/Apache2 Spamassassin ClamAV MariaDB/MySQL OpenDKIM Roundcube SabreDAV Given that the suite looked promising and that the screenshots convinced me that it had a modern interface I decided to

Idiots everywhere

So, a guy decides to sell his business website including the rights to the software he was selling there and posts on a forum that has a market place for this type of business. To justify the asking price he gives some Paypal screenshots that show the names of the people and companies that purchased