mail server Archive
A while back, while searching for a good mail server suite I came across mailcow which was built based on the following open source software: Postfix Dovecot Nginx/Apache2 Spamassassin ClamAV MariaDB/MySQL OpenDKIM Roundcube SabreDAV Given that the suite looked promising and that the screenshots convinced me that it had a modern interface I decided to
Here’s this week’s recommended links: Getting started with RaspberryPI .TLD – Top Level Disaster Server performance benchmarking script How to run a secure self hosted mail server ServerBytes goes live The birth & death of privacy What Web Can Do Today How the FBI puts internet privacy in crossfire Create a mobile friendly, responsive menu
I am going to start off with a series of link recommendations as what I find a good read needs to be shared: Documentation: Linux vs. FreeBSD (a case study) A praise for hackers The sad state of Romanian blogs The inventor that hacked the dictatorship 75% of Bluetooth smart locks can be hacked Apache