privacy Archive
It would seem that someone from the European Commission finally realized that enforcing digital bureaucracy under the form of the so called cookie law didn’t change anything so they are discussing the possibility to diss this stupid law: Reuters has got its hands on a draft document for a new security law due to be
Today the UK MP’s have passed a controversial law called the IP Act. The IP Act includes big provisions, the most discussed of which is that service providers will have to keep a record of their customers’ web browsing history and phone calls for 12 months. From December 31 (the date the current Data Retention
A lot of folks have been praising a series of newly released apps and tools as well as online platforms and used words such as “secure” to describe them and reference them as bulletproof against eavesdropping. However all of them are meant to give a false feeling of security because every single app or platform is
Here’s this week’s recommended links: Getting started with RaspberryPI .TLD – Top Level Disaster Server performance benchmarking script How to run a secure self hosted mail server ServerBytes goes live The birth & death of privacy What Web Can Do Today How the FBI puts internet privacy in crossfire Create a mobile friendly, responsive menu
After restricting certain rights and setting new boundaries for online activity [RO] with the so called “Ley Mordaza” [ES], the Spanish government is currently considering another controversial law which could account as a privacy violation. Basically what they want to implement is a method to cross-check everyone that passes through a Spanish airport and their method