Windows Archive

Technology shorts #1 03/05/2024

Homelab enthusiasts like me debate the worst mistakes they’ve made along their journey so far. Windows users have been a target for ongoing attacks originating from Russian APTs and it seems that the situation is so dire that Microsoft had to issue a warning On the FreeBSD Foundation website you can find a case study

Recommended Links #8

I know it’s been a while since my last recommendations, but here’s a new batch: Learn Redis the hard way (in production); The arrival of AI; VPN’s are a solution to a privacy concern; PHP 7.2 deprecations; Stop using device breakpoints!; 12 useful hacks for Javascript; Malware infection rate is soaring on smartphones; Preload, prefetch

Some things about Linux

I was asked a while back by someone to share my opinion on Linux and knowing that the person asking me this wasn’t well versed with Linux and didn’t have much of an experience with it I said that Linux isn’t the best choice. At least not always. I did that because personally I have

Weekly recommended links

I am going to start off with a series of link recommendations as what I find a good read needs to be shared: Documentation: Linux vs. FreeBSD (a case study) A praise for hackers The sad state of Romanian blogs The inventor that hacked the dictatorship 75% of Bluetooth smart locks can be hacked Apache

Best, free, intrusive and Windows only

I happen to know a bunch of people that don’t spend money on software, even if we’re talking antivirus programs and who frankly don’t like spending money on anything computer related unless it’s really necessary for them to work with. Even their Windows is OEM so they didn’t actually think they paid for it. All