Debian Archive
NOTE: This is an updated tutorial as the initial version contained a series of errors and required some additions. Since Debian 9 (Stretch) has recently been officially released under the STABLE tag we might as well adopt it and use it further for our projects right? Yesterday I checked my very long “to do” list
I was in desperate need of a bookmark manager. I tried Shaarli, but it sucks for two reasons. The first one is the use of Sqlite3 database and the second is very thin error reporting and debugging options. Since I didn’t have the time and the nerves to fix someone’s obsolete code I went ahead
I had an idle cloud server from and I decided at some point to setup a honeypot on it. So I started with SSH and found this tutorial on Kippo which is outdated and because it’s only partly useful I’ve decided to write my own installation tutorial for those willing to install Kippo on
A while back, while searching for a good mail server suite I came across mailcow which was built based on the following open source software: Postfix Dovecot Nginx/Apache2 Spamassassin ClamAV MariaDB/MySQL OpenDKIM Roundcube SabreDAV Given that the suite looked promising and that the screenshots convinced me that it had a modern interface I decided to