[Case Study] Hacking the funnels (part 2)

I’ve already covered a lot of stuff through the previous post, however there’s some stuff left to take into consideration. Stuff that’s commercial but offered for free elsewhere. First and foremost, if you do proper research you can get paid items for free. Let’s take the Lumieres theme for example which can be obtained here

Recommended links #4

Since I don’t have time to do weekly recommendations and also keep up posting here as I’m focusing on other projects at the same time I will make recommendations whenever possible. Here’s the 4th batch of recommended links: A brief history of UNIX; In case you didn’t know, there’s a subreddit for sysadmin jobs at

It’s been a while…

I can’t even remember when it was the last time I posted a babe to feast your eyes with so since it’s been a while since I showed you who I’d like to fuck here’s a couple of pics featuring Bree Daniels:

Install Lobste.rs on Debian 8

I was in desperate need of a bookmark manager. I tried Shaarli, but it sucks for two reasons. The first one is the use of Sqlite3 database and the second is very thin error reporting and debugging options. Since I didn’t have the time and the nerves to fix someone’s obsolete code I went ahead

Reversing the digital bureaucracy

It would seem that someone from the European Commission finally realized that enforcing digital bureaucracy under the form of the so called cookie law didn’t change anything so they are discussing the possibility to diss this stupid law: Reuters has got its hands on a draft document for a new security law due to be