
Recommended links #4

Since I don’t have time to do weekly recommendations and also keep up posting here as I’m focusing on other projects at the same time I will make recommendations whenever possible. Here’s the 4th batch of recommended links: A brief history of UNIX; In case you didn’t know, there’s a subreddit for sysadmin jobs at

Some small talk on politics

I see a lot of people intrigued by the fact that Donald Trump had surrounded himself with millionaires and filled his cabinet with CEO’s and such, but fellas this is what capitalism is about. If you take a man, the best man for the job and put him in a high ranking position just because

Who Does Black Friday?

Well it’s that time of the year when you gotta do the shopping for cool digital products and if you’re wondering who does Black Friday here’s some hints: OVH has great domain deals and not so great server deals; .com & .net are just $1.98 at eNom; has Cyber Monday deals that start tonight;

eNom taking their customers for stupid

I guess everyone knows by now about the major DDoS attack perpetrated by a botnet of zombie IoT devices and as it seems the folks at eNom learned about it too. So they thought that using the attack they could take their customer for fools and upsell SSL certificates, because why not? Didn’t you know

Get curated digital resources for free

A while back I stumbled upon a deal from a site called ByPeople and after purchasing what I needed I didn’t give much attention to this site until today when I checked out their deals (given that everyone has Halloween deals) and noticed that the folks at ByPeople have built a quite interesting website which