Where do you get your stock photos from ?
One of the most important things when writing an article represents choosing the right image, but you can’t have images for all can you? So if you don’t have images for all articles then where do you get images?
Well one choice would be to get a paid subscription from some stock sites, but that could seem rather expensive especially if you’re a newbie. I personally get some of the paid stock photos from GraphicStock and the rest from StockUnlimited where I have a lifetime subscription. But, when I don’t find what I’m looking for on either I revert to Pixabay which is probably the best free stock photo dump.
Yet, you can also get some free stock photos from 500px or Flickr as both offer (limited volume) images that are licensed under CC0 and other which can be used with or without giving credit to the authors.
And if you still can’t find what you’re looking for here’s a dump of free stock photos that don’t suck:
- Unsplash http://unsplash.com/
- Death to the Stock Photo http://join.deathtothestockphoto.com/
- New Old Stock http://nos.twnsnd.co/
- Superfamous (requires attribution) http://superfamous.com/
- Picjumbo http://picjumbo.com/
- The Pattern Library http://thepatternlibrary.com/
- Gratisography http://www.gratisography.com/
- Getrefe http://getrefe.tumblr.com/
- IM Free (requires attribution) http://imcreator.com/free
- Jay Mantri http://jaymantri.com/
- Women of color in tech https://www.flickr.com/photos/wocintechchat/
- Public Domain Archive http://publicdomainarchive.com/
- Magdeleine http://magdeleine.co/
- Foodiesfeed http://foodiesfeed.com
- Picography http://picography.co/
- Raumrot http://www.raumrot.com/10/
- ISO Republic http://isorepublic.com/