/dev/null/ Archive

eNom taking their customers for stupid

I guess everyone knows by now about the major DDoS attack perpetrated by a botnet of zombie IoT devices and as it seems the folks at eNom learned about it too. So they thought that using the attack they could take their customer for fools and upsell SSL certificates, because why not? Didn’t you know

Deactivate the “Debug” NOW

I was looking through the source of one of the WordPress sites I own the other day and made a rather curious discovery. Apparently W3 Total Cache (a plugin I only use on two sites as it works better with Memcached) had “Debug” turned on for all types of caching and was printing as HTML

Last week of discounts from MisterDomain

MisterDomain is an italian based domain and webhosting provider that throws on the market some good deals from time to time. This month they ran a domain special with several extensions at discounted pricing: If you need to get some of these extensions then hurry up and get them while they are available because on

Killing a business, the printer method

The printer manufacturers have adopted a widespread business model which assumed making hardware cheap and selling cartridges at expensive rates which would bring them a long term profit. Well that was their idea and it was bad, because humans are liberal in nature and as long as they have money to spend they will try

Simply amazing

Probably the best hacking scene in the entire history of TV: I never thought Castle could produce lamer hacking scenes than NCIS, but there you go, you can’t deny it.